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What you CAN DO

A monthly budget of $1150 is needed to help maintain the project, transportation, food and lodging, and a blessing for the ministries that are supporting this in Asia.

"For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection." Romans 6:5

The film is near complete. Thanks for keeping posted. Every year, over 200,000,000 Christians are persecuted. They are denied fundamental human rights, some even jailed, tortured or killed. Think about this, by the time it takes you to get your cup of morning coffee, 1,500 Christians have been persecuted. By the time it takes for you to read this sentence, you can add 30 more to this number.

What is our role? 

Beneath Our Feet | a documentary

is a different kind of film.  

Beneath Our Feet aims to tell the untold stories of the underground | persecuted churches in restricted nations.  

Through the cinematic retelling of their heroic stories, we hope to inspire and challenge an otherwise dormant church into active faith in Christ. Any by that re:awakening of love, act. 

With love in mind, the team at Beneath Our Feet decided to do something a little different.  

100% of all proceeds go to building the underground church in Southeast Asia through various organizations. No expenses are kept for covering costs or paying the crew. All of it is for aid in resources in the 10/40 window. We don't even get paid. 

Thats right. We mean 100% .


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Beneath Our Feet The Movie Blog
Stay up to date with the miracles and testimonies from our visual missionary! Click on Posts to most recent article.
Beneath Our Feet - A Documentary Film 
By Eli Popa and Grace Lee
Our Prayer:

That the Father would use this film, and the mission he has called our visual missionary to, to affect the nations and stir up the heart of His Bride. We want to see revival in the church and learn from those who are laying down their lives to pave a way for those who do not know Jesus. We pray that by giving up pleasures for a moment, that we would see a glimpse of the eternal weight of glory in Messiah. We pray that you would catch the vision and join with us in prayer for our missionary, the ministries and believers that are willing to take the risk for the greater Body to see how they must live their faith as a testimony, that we would see the price that is paid and that He suffered for us. We pray for the support needed to complete this project and see the realization of Messiah's heart for His Bride.

   "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Messiah."  Galatians 6:2
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The World Evangelical Alliance 
estimates that over 200 Million Christians are persecuted each year. Thousands upon thousands are being martyred throughout the world. In India, Christians have taken to the jungles to escape death and in China, prisons are filled with those who proclaim Christ in secret places.

"Once I asked a friend living in China what the secret prayer meetings were like and to my astonishment he answered, "They pray that the Western Church, America, to have the fire of God.

My eyes were openedwide. Those who suffer pain and death pray for our faith, who face no such persecution.

Have we taken our freedoms for granted?

The Lord then moved upon my heart. What if I can bring these prayers, their testimonies, their stories and suffering to the church in America? What would happen if in the complacency of the church we were forced to look at faith as it is to them - life or death?

"The Persecuted" film was born." (Our Visual Missionary)